lausd-cases: 20
Data license: Reusing the data · Data source: LA Times California coronavirus data · About: README
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rowid | Unnamed: 0 | school | status | color | staff_student | transmission | testing_period | tests | pos | pos_rate | change | cos | cos_tests | cos_pos | cos_pos_rate | cos_change | lausd_tests | lausd_pos | lausd_pos_rate | lausd_change | date | time | staff_student_rate | community_rate | lac_rate | community_schools | community |
20 | 28TH ST EEC | OPEN | 0 | 0 | 2021-08-26 | 10:00PM | 31.3 | 26.85 | 31.39 | Jefferson/South Central (West) Community of Sc… | Jefferson/South Central (West) Community |